Radio buttons are buttons that only allowed one button to be selected at any given time.
Radio buttons are a type of input.
Each of your radio buttons can be nested within its own label element. By wrapping an input element inside of a label element it will automatically associate the radio button input with the label element surrounding it.
All related radio buttons should have the same name attribute to create a radio button group.
Should include a for attribute on the label element with a value that matches the value of the id attribute of the input element.
Final Code
<h2>CatPhotoApp</h2><main><p>Click here to view more <ahref="#">cat photos</a>.</p><ahref="#"><imgsrc=""alt="A cute orange..."></a><p>Things cats love:</p><ul><li>cat nip</li><li>laser pointers</li><li>lasagna</li></ul><p>Top 3 things cats hate:</p><ol><li>flea treatment</li><li>thunder</li><li>other cats</li></ol><formaction=""><inputtype="text"placeholder="cat photo URL"required><buttontype="submit">Submit</button><labelfor="indoor"><inputid="indoor"type="radio"name="indoor-outdoor"> Indoor</label><labelfor="outdoor"><inputid="outdoor"type="radio"name="indoor-outdoor"> Outdoor</label><br><inputtype="text"placeholder="cat photo URL"required><buttontype="submit">Submit</button></form></main>