article is used to wrap content when it is a blog entry, forum post, or news article.
article is used for content that can stand alone.
<div> - groups content <section> - groups related content <article> - groups independent, self-contained content.
Final Code
<h1>Deep Thoughts with Master Camper Cat</h1><main><article><h2>The Garfield Files: Lasagna as Training Fuel?</h2><p>The internet is littered with varying opinions...</p></div><imgsrc="samuraiSwords.jpeg"alt=""><article><h2>Defeating your Foe: the Red Dot is Ours!</h2><p>Felines the world over have been waging war...</p></article><imgsrc="samuraiSwords.jpeg"alt=""><article><h2>Is Chuck Norris a Cat Person?</h2><p>Chuck Norris is widely regarded as the premier...</p></article></main>